Sep 19 2009

OCUFA Quality Matters Campaign

Category: News,Petitions,Point of Information,University FinanceBob Hanke @ 1:39 pm

On March 9th, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations launched its Quality Matters campaign.

This campaign addresses the problem of chronic underfunding, which is at the bottom of the  issues that were raised during the 85-day CUPE 3903 strike and in the Ontario legislative assembly. As we face even deeper, cascading budget cuts this year, it’s time for faculty and students to do something about it.

Please take a few minutes right now to read more about the campaign, and to follow the links to send your message to Premier McGuinty and your local MPP.

OCUFA is using social media to support the campaign using paid electronic ads in print media and on Facebook.  Course directors and their TAs using a Content Managment System (Web-CT, Moodle) can also lend support the campaign by adding this website as an educational resource to your course.


Apr 05 2009

Open Letter and Petition to CUPE 3903 Re: OUWCC Motion #1 passed February 22, 2009

Category: PetitionsBob Hanke @ 8:49 pm

On February 22nd, during the OUWCC conference (the academic workers part of CUPE Ontario) a motion was passed for an academic boycott of Israel (Motion 1). Although CUPE 3902 (University of Toronto) and CUPE National rejected the motion, CUPE 3903 offered their support in press without consulting the members of the local.

Several CUPE 3903 members have been deeply concerned about the proposal for an academic boycott of Israel, and would in fact be equally concerned were an academic boycott to be proposed for any other country.

Please read this petition carefully. If you decide to sign it, please indicate your CUPE 3903 affiliation, or, if you are not a CUPE member, your York University affiliation.
The petition will likely be published in York University’s Excalibur, as well as local media.

Thank you for your consideration,

The co-writers of “Open Letter and Petition to CUPE 3903 Re: OUWCC Motion #1 passed February 22, 2009”. To view the petition, click here.