Sep 04 2018

National Survey of Contract Academic Staff

Category: Contract Faculty,News,ResearchBob Hanke @ 10:59 am

CAUT releases results of first national survey of contract academic staff

(Ottawa – September 4, 2018) Most academic staff working on contract at Canadian universities and colleges aren’t employed that way by choice indicates new survey results gathered and released today by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).

According to the survey:

  • Over half (53%) of respondents want a tenure-track university or full-time, permanent college job. This is the case even for contract academic staff (CAS) who have been teaching for 16-20 years.
  • Only 25% said they do not want a tenure-track or permanent, full-time academic appointment. The remainder are unsure.
  • Women and racialized CAS work more hours per course, per week than their colleagues and are more likely to be in low-income households.
  • Two-thirds of respondents said their mental health has been negatively impacted by the contingent nature of their employment, and just 19% think the institutions where they work are model employers and supporters of good jobs.

“Until now, we had no clear picture of the working conditions of CAS across the country,” said CAUT executive director David Robinson. “These results reveal that many CAS are underpaid, overworked and sorely under-resourced. It’s a dismal picture for the majority of these academics, who often feel trapped in a ‘gig lifestyle’ of part-time or insecure work.”

To read the rest of this news release and access the survey results, click here.

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Sep 04 2018

The University as Anxiety Machine

Category: Contract Faculty,ResearchBob Hanke @ 9:37 am

The neurotic academic: anxiety, casualisation, and governance in the neoliberalising university

by Vik Loveday (2018)

Journal of Cultural Economy, 11(2), pp. 154-166.


Based on empirical research conducted with academic staff working on
fixed-term contracts, the article explores the subjective experience of
anxiety in the UK’s ‘neoliberalising’ higher education (HE) sector. As HE
undergoes a process of marketisation, and the teaching and research
activities of academics are increasingly measured and scrutinised, the
contemporary academy appears to be suffused with anxiety. Coupled
with pressures facing all staff, 34% of academic employees are currently
working on a fixed-term contract and so must contend with the multiple
forms of uncertainty associated with their so-called ‘casualised’ positions.
While anxiety is often perceived as an individualised affliction for which
employees are encouraged to take personal responsibility, the article
argues that it should be conceptualised in two ways: firstly, as a symptom
of wider processes at work in the neoliberalising sector; and secondly, as
a ‘tactic’ of what Isin [(2004). The neurotic citizen. Citizenship Studies, 8 (3),
217–235] refers to as ‘neuroliberal’ governance. The article concludes by
proposing that the figure of the ‘neurotic academic’ is emblematic of the
contradictions facing the contemporary academy.

To read the article, click Loveday 2018.

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Feb 26 2018

No Academic Temp Worker Solution

Category: Policy ReportsBob Hanke @ 9:51 am

No Temporary Solution

Ontario’s shifting college and university workforce
by Erika Shaker and Robin Shaban
February 8, 2018

While post-secondary institutions are places of learning, they also employ thousands of people across a broad spectrum of job classifications. This report explores the extent to which workers in Canada’s post-secondary institutions are experiencing precarity. More precisely, it asks whether employment on university and college campuses in Ontario is becoming more precarious, for whom and for what reasons. 

This report combines quantitative analysis of Labour Force Survey (LFS) data with qualitative accounts of the lived experience of precarity from post-secondary employees. Overall, the LFS data analysis suggests that 53% of post-secondary education workers in Ontario are, to some extent, precariously employed. Specifically, the report identifies a rise in work categories that are more precarious (e.g., research assistants and teaching assistants) alongside a decline in others that have traditionally been less precarious (e.g., librarians). 

To read the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives report, click here.

To read “Ontario campuses see increase in precarious jobs, study shows” in the Toronto Star, click here.



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Jul 16 2014

The “Other” Contingent Faculty

Category: Contract Faculty,Online Publication,ResearchBob Hanke @ 8:23 pm

The “Other” University Teachers: Non-Full-Time Instructors at Ontario Universities 

by Cynthia C. Field, Glen A. Jones, Grace Karram Stephenson and Artur Khoyetsyan, University of Toronto

(excerpted from HEQCO, Research Publications)

More research needed on the “other” university teachers: Non-full-time instructors

Over the last decade, increases in Ontario university enrollment have outstripped growth in full-time, tenure-stream faculty. Non-full-time faculty, which include sessional and graduate student instructors, play a significant role in addressing increased teaching demands although there is a dearth of public information about hiring trends and considerable variation in conditions of employment.

According to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), further research is needed into the roles and experiences of sessional instructors, institutional employment trends and the implications for quality and student success.

Project description
“The “Other” University Teachers: Non-Full-Time Instructors at Ontario Universities” is a preliminary exploration of the employment of sessional and graduate student instructors. The study is based on a detailed review of collective agreements and related documentation, and the analysis of institutional data on employment.

Although most Ontario universities do not report the number of non-full-time instructors, the study found relevant data on the websites of five institutions, where in all but one case, the number of sessional instructors had increased in recent years. Based on the limited public data available, the study found that the ratio of sessional instructors to full-time faculty appears to be increasing at some universities while decreasing or remaining stable at others, suggesting that different universities are making very different decisions related to academic staffing.

Acknowledging that each Ontario university is “an autonomous corporation with the ability to make independent decisions related to employment,” the study found that conditions of employment for non-full-time instructors vary by institution.  At 10 of the universities, sessional instructors are represented by the same association as full-time, tenure-stream faculty, while at the other 10 there are separate unions or associations. And while sessional instructors have various benefits guaranteed under collective agreements, often including some form of job security related to seniority or promotion, the authors note that sessional instructors “do not have anything close to the level of security associated with tenure.” The conditions of employment for graduate student instructors roughly parallel those of sessional instructors, according to the study.

Further research
There may be major differences by university in terms of the balance between full-time, tenure-stream faculty and non-full-time instructors, as well as important implications for Ontario higher education, say the authors, who call for additional research, including:

A province-wide survey of sessional instructors to learn more about their background (academic and professional), employment situation and teaching load, as well as their perceptions and experiences.

A more detailed study of institutional staffing patterns through the collection and analysis of data on employment trends at all Ontario universities; and

A detailed analysis of staffing patterns within selected academic units at different Ontario universities and the implications of these patterns for educational quality and student success.

To read the complete report, click here.

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Jul 06 2014

COCAL and Working USA Call for Papers: Contingent Academic Labor

Category: Conferences,ResearchBob Hanke @ 8:34 pm

Contingent Academic Labor

WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society (WUSA) is devoting a special issue to contingent academic labor in the USA, North America and throughout the world.  The journal encourages cross-disciplinary essays drawn from the social sciences and the humanities that examine the contemporary significance of contingent academic labor using a range of methods and empirical analysis.  Essays should focus on the study of work, labor, capitalism, the state, and bureaucracy.

The editors especially seek essays drawn from presentations at the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor XI conference in August, 2014 in New York City. We encourage submissions by activists and organizers as well academic researchers. Articles can be case studies, memoirs, interviews or oral histories, if they also raise more general points of interest.

We encourage essays that include one or more of the following:

* Reach theoretical insights in addressing the relevance of the status and experiences of contingent academic labor through comparative/historical perspectives.
* Examine the conditions and experiences of adjunct laborers in the context of the political economy of knowledge.
* Compare and contrast contingent academic laborers to analogous workers in the labor market that is referred to as “precarious work”.
* Examine the ways in which the politics and economics of contingent labor intersect with issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and/or sexuality.
* Contribute theoretical insights on the actuality and potential for forgoing bonds of solidarity that increase working class power and build stronger institutions.
* Contribute to the strategic discussion of organizing among contingent academics and the considerations of alliances, techniques, structures, and consciousness.
* Compare and contrast the situation and collective struggles of contingent academics in the US with those in other nations, especially Canada (including Quebec), and Mexico.

Please submit papers by October 15, 2015.
All essay submissions are sent through a peer review process.  Click on the names below to send essays to editorial board members and guest editors.
Joe Berry (Editorial Board)
Marcia Newfield (Editorial Board)
Polina Kroik (Associate Editor)
Immanuel Ness (Editorial Board)

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