Dec 23 2008

About CUPE 3903 Unit 2

jonnyj @ 2:12 pm

CUPE 3903 Unit 2 represents about 1021 contract faculty within CUPE Local 3903, which  represents three units, including teaching assistants and graduate assistants.

The York U Contract Faculty website is a forum for all contract faculty past, present and future. It represents a temporary autonomous zone for discussion, reports, proposals, comments, criticism, analysis, activism and education.  It is a network and website of the struggle of living academic labour for equity, fairness and dignity and against inequity, income inequality, and precarity. It is an archive to inscribe our history and extend our memory. It expands the online space to communicate and cooperate in order to establish and institute what is not yet established and instituted within a university-based local and public university.

The York U Contract Faculty website follows an open editorial policy and best practices of moderation.

The website is set up to allow people to register themselves to the site. Once you register with your username and email, you are assigned to the role of “Subscriber” which allows you to read and comment on posts only. If a subscriber wishes to submit a post, you can contact the editor by email and they can promote you to “Contributor.” This will allow you to submit posts which are automatically held for moderation and approval by me before being published. You can help keep editorial work to a minimum by spell/grammar-checking your draft post, as well familiarizing yourself with the website style — font, size, length, use of headings and subheadings, links, categories and tags — before posting.

CUPE 3903 maintains the Unit 2 listserv. To subscribe or unsubscribe via the WWW, visit

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