Feb 04 2009

Call-Out for 2009-2010 Term Executive Positions

Category: Elections (2011)Bob Hanke @ 11:41 am

The nomination period for the executive positions of Chairperson, Secretary/Research Officer, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Vice President Unit 1, Vice President Unit 2, Chief Steward Unit 1, and Chief Steward Unit 2, and Grievance Officer (along with the nomination periods for Vice President Unit 3Chief Steward Unit 3 which are currently open) will be open as of Wednesday, February 4, 2009 and close on Wednesday, February 18, 2009.

Election to these positions is subject to a number of conditions: positions with a unit-specific designation can only entertain nominations from members of that unit. If no member is willing to stand, the position remains vacant until such time as a member of that unit is willing to come forward; (ii) the grievance officer position is reserved for a Unit 2 member, unless no member from that unit is willing to stand, in which case any unit member may be nominated. (iii) despite restrictions on nominations, all members vote for all positions (except the women’s caucus chair) regardless of unit membership.

Those who would like to nominate themselves must fill out a nomination form, have it signed by two members in good standing (from any unit) and drop it in the nominations box in the CUPE Strike headquaters. They are also required to sign the registry, which is next to the box. If the position is contested; a 16-day campaign period lasting from Thursday February 19, 2009 to Friday, March 6, 2009 will follow the close of the nomination period. Candidates will be able to make statements at an upcoming GMM prior to the start of the voting period.

CUPE 3903 is strongly committed to equity within our union. We welcome and encourage involvement of persons with one or more disabilities, lesbian, bisexual, gay, two-spirited, queer and trans persons, persons from racialized groups, Aboriginal persons, and women.

Those who have any questions are invited to email the two chief electoral officers, Preethy Sivakumar (preethy.sivakumar@gmail.com) and Karen Walker (k1walker@yorku.ca). Please see below for a full description of the position responsibilities.


(a) The Chairperson shall be responsible for the logistics regarding general membership meetings and executive committee meetings, and facilitate those meetings if there are no other facilitators.
(b) The Chairperson shall help organise the day to day operations of the local. She shall work with the staff and shall normally act as their supervisor, as per the CUPE 1281 collective agreement. She shall help with the organisation of the office space.
(c) The Chairperson shall facilitate the smooth functioning of the executive committee. She shall assist the Vice Presidents with internal and external work, as required. She shall also assist the Treasurer to account for the funds of the local.
(d) For the purposes of the CUPE Constitution, this position is akin to “President”

(a) The Secretary/Research Officer shall keep a correct, full and impartial account of the proceedings of each meeting of the executive and the membership in a bound minute book or file which shall be kept in the union office.
(b) The Secretary/Research Officer shall keep an accurate record of the membership of the local, including the original certification application and those membership cards, which shall be kept on file in the union office. She shall be responsible for recording all executive meetings and for the filing and maintenance of executive and membership meeting minutes. In addition, the Secretary/Research Officer shall be charged with the responsibility of compiling and maintaining a policy book of the various policies passed by both general membership meetings and the executive. For the purposes of the CUPE
Constitution, this position is akin to the ‘Recording Secretary’.
(c) The Secretary/Research Officer shall be responsible for performing or
arranging specific research tasks required by the executive and/or the membership.

(a) The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the financial records of the local, giving receipts for all money received, and making the local’s books and records available to the trustees. She shall also be known as the ‘secretary-treasurer’.
(b) She shall keep a continuous record of all dues payments and special assessments. She shall deposit all monies in the form in which they are received in an appropriate account with chequing facilities as the executive may direct in the name of the local.
(c) The treasurer shall pay all the bills authorized for payment by the executive and/or membership.
(d) The treasurer shall, in conjunction with the chairperson, have authority to sign all cheques approved by the executive.
(e) The treasurer shall report monthly to the executive.
(f) Upon request of the chairperson or the executive, the treasurer shall submit to them, within thirty days, all record books and vouchers, all receipts, cheques and bank statements issued and received along with a detailed written report covering all expenditures and disbursements of the local’s funds.
(g) The treasurer shall conduct the financial affairs of the local in conformity with accepted accounting practices and such instructions as may be issued under these bylaws.
(h) The treasurer shall, under the direction of the executive, ensure that the financial records of the local are audited by an independent auditor once per year.
(i) The treasurer shall forward all funds owing to the national secretary-treasurer no later than the last day of the following month.
(j) The treasurer (and all other officers authorized to sign on behalf of the union) must be bonded through the master bond held by the national office; any treasurer who cannot qualify for the bond shall be disqualified from office and a new election held.
(k) The treasurer shall, upon termination of office, surrender all books, records, and other properties of the local to her successor.

These positions shall be responsible for reporting to the executive on all matters of concern or interest within and outside the university. They shall liaise with other university, union, student and other organizations, both within and outside the university, and help facilitate the activity of all union committees, including the Labour Management Committee.

These positions shall be responsible for the mobilization/coordination of all departmental/divisional stewards from all units, and for the calling of all stewards’ council meetings. They shall report to the executive on all business conducted at the stewards’ council meetings, including all recommendations for executive decision or action.

The communications officer shall be responsible for the compilation and publication of the local newspaper, and for all such publicity and information as decided by the executive.

The grievance officer shall be responsible for the handling and processing of all grievances and for the administration of the collective agreements, in concert with the grievance committee. The grievance officer shall also participate in educating members about the collective agreements, how they work, and how they should be enforced.

Feb 03 2009

York University President Accused of Academic Fraud

Category: News,Point of Informationjonnyj @ 10:44 am

York University President Mamdouh Shoukri has perpetrated an outrageous fraud at York University. On January 26, he publicly announced the appointment of Martin Singer as the founding Dean of the new Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, which will be the largest university Faculty in Canada. Shoukri, who chaired the Search Committee in a secret process, declared that “York University is fortunate to have attracted such a strong scholar,” described as “a renowned scholar of Chinese history.”

In fact, as the attached letter from distinguished historian of China Arif Dirlik attests Martin Singer is neither renowned nor a scholar. He is unpublished and unknown in the field of Chinese history.

President Shoukri’s fraudulent promotion of Martin SInger as the most powerful academic administrator at York University is a scandal and a disgrace to the academic profession. It is an insult to the York community and a threat to the academic reputation of York University. In any reputable university, lying about scholarly credentials is the gravest offence, akin to misleading investors in the financial world. President Shoukri must resign and the search for a credible Dean for York’s largest Faculty must be renewed, to be followed by a search for a credible President.

– York Faculty Concerned about the Future of York University


To read the Y-File story on “renowned scholar” Martin Singer , click here.


To read the Excalbur story on “Singer: ‘I am not a renowned scholar’,” click here.


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