To all educators, students, parents, workers, unions, community groups, activists, progressive allies and concerned citizens…
Join us to oppose regressive back-to-work legislation! Join us to challenge the attack on our democratic rights!
When: Tuesday, January 27, 10 am. Where: Ministry of Labour, 400 University Avenue (St. Patrick subway station at University and Dundas)
When: 11:30 am. Where: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1 Queen’s Park
To read a transcript of today’s debate, including NDP Leader Howard Hampton’s 1 hour presentation, download the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Hansard Transcripts January 26, 2009 and skip to page 29
Withdraw back-to-work legislation, OFL tells Ontario government
(TORONTO) — The Ontario government must change its course of action in the York University strike, says the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL).
To read the press release, click here.
Letter of the Day: Stefan Kipfer Back-to-Work Letter Jan 25 2009